Sourcing Plus

Articles on SUpplier Management, Intangibles, Digital Transformation

Peer reviewed / academic journals

Success Factors to Deliver Organizational Digital Transformation: A Framework for Transformation Leadership", in the Journal of Global Information Management, volume 30, issue 8, June 2022.
Many digital transformation initiatives of traditional firms fail. This research proposes an innovative 4 stages framework that identifies the need for corporations willing to transform, to look beyond technology. This research moves beyond the firm-wide level recommendations to increase the likelihood of success of digital transformation initiatives. It focuses on two dimensions of corporate transformation: governance and culture, and analyzed across four identified stages of digital transformation, Discovery, Development, Demonstration, and Deployment. It identifies specific challenges at each of the identified stages. Therefore, it provides a useful structure for academics to further explore the challenges of digital transformation in firms and for corporate leaders to increase the likelihood of success to transform and capture the opportunities offered by artificial intelligence.

Surmonter la malédiction des 70%, ou comment faire des achats un acteur majeur de la transformation par le digital (Surmount the 70% curse, or how to make purchasing an actor of digital transformation) Excellence HA n°13, volume 13, the review of the National Council of Purchasing in France, "the bridge between research and field application in purchasing" - June 2021

The Procurement Dilemma: Short-term Savings or Long-Term Shareholder Value? Journal of Business Strategy, volume 37 issue 6 , Nov. 2016

La Maturité Achat du Point de Vue de l’Actionnaire, Etre Capable de Construire des Avantages Concurrentiels Durables, Excellence HA n°6, June 2016

Mesurer la performance de l’entreprise étendue pour piloter la création de valeur : une approche par l’immatériel, La Revue Française de Gestion Industrielle, Dec 2014

Measuring and Managing Projects in Extended Enterprise: A value creation focus based on intangible assets, Journal of Modern Project Management, The Journal of Modern Project Management, Jan 2014

Plano Estratégico de Compras - Requisito Basico para a Gestão Inteligente de Fornecedores (Mundo Logistica- Brazil) - Michel Philippart, Darli Rodrigues Vieira
Version française Le Plan Stratégique Achat - Un Element Essentiel de la Gestion Intelligente des Fournisseurs - Michel Philippart

Academic Viewpoints

With Emmanuelle Deglaire, Nouvel élan de créativité fiscale en réponse au Big Bang numérique analyzing from the fiscal and operational point of views the purposed benefits of what the French press called the "Amazon Tax"

Fournisseurs d'innovation : la juste mesure d’un Capital Immatériel an application of the 4S framework to change the perspective on suppliers and the approach to manage them

COVID -19 : LES LEÇONS À TIRER EN MATIÈRE DE DÉLOCALISATION DES CHAINES DE PRODUCTION, un entretien "Shot of Knowledge", which contributed to analyzes by the French Ministry of Economy in a report "Avenir de la Filière Automobile" in 2020.

Quelle place pour la technologie BLOCKCHAIN dans le secteur des paiements ?, avec Emmanuelle Weinberg, NEOMA (in French, 2020)

Viewpoints with the ThinkTank Place Escange

Les fonds de Private Equity doivent mieux intégrer les intangibles, February 2023. When developing value delivery plans, Private Equity Funds need to improve their evaluation of intangible risks and the protection of intangible capital

La redondance dans l’Immatériel, June 2021. Redundancy management is challenging because it protects against intangible risks, while appearing in balance sheets as tangible costs. Cost optimization strategies often underestimate the intangible aspects when agressively avoiding redundancy costs.

Comment intégrer les risques intangibles des longues chaînes d’approvisionnement, June 2020. Crises like the Covid-19 have shown that resiliancy becomes a critical factor to manage. But intangible risks are poorly incorporated in supply chain management.

Capital et risque immatériels : les nouvelles dimensions de la valeur de l’entreprise May 2020. Firms need to understand better what is intangible capital, how to protect and enhance it; in parallel, they need to incorporate negative capital aspects, the intangible risks.

Financial and Economic Periodicals

With Fernanda Arreola, columnist for the European Business Review, I share my observations about Operations and Entrepreneurship: Unsexy? Think About it Again! Delivering on Startup Potential Through Operations.

With Rania Labaki, Head of the Family Business Center at EDHEC, and Christian Haddad, an article in Forbes India Family businesses-suppliers relationships: Standing the test of time

With Rania Labaki, Head of the Family Business Center at EDHEC, and Christian Haddad, an article in Les Echos Solutions Entreprises familiales et fournisseurs : valoriser une relation dans la durée

Michel Philippart has also contributed to the "Financial Times"

Professionnal publications

Livre Blanc 2021 - Intelligence Artificielle Hauts de France, a collaborative effort to identify and promote best practices to implement IA in small and medium firms. The project was initiated by the "Cité de l'IA" an initiative from MEDEF, the association of enterprises of France. Michel Philippart contributed to the second section, "From Idea to Implementation", leveraging his work work with Vekia and the academic research highlighted above.

Innovation et Capital Immatériel Piloter les fournisseurs clé de l'entreprise, published in French in Supply Chain Magazine, January 2019

Les Fournisseurs: Mieux gérer une composante de notre Capital Immatériel. Profession Achat Décembre 2012

Comment mesurer la performance d’une équipe achat ? Profession Achat, Printemps 2011

La Manipulation dans les Relations Acheteur Vendeur ou Les Risques des Invitations de Fournisseurs, Profession Achat, Décembre 2010

Mesurer la qualité de la relation fournisseur-client, le WRI (Working Relation Index) Profession Achat, Septembre 2008

In a high inflation context, back to basic supplier squeeze management?

CPO Agenda Spring 2006, in the issue on "Developping the Super Supplier": Breaking Through the Barriers

Collaborative Sourcing, Line56, January 2006

More than Just Cost Cutting, European Pharmaceutical Review, Issue 3, 2005

Tribune on Strategic Supplier Management, "La Lettre des Achats", June 2003

Purchasing for Growth: (pdf format) article by Michel Philippart, 2003. 

McKinsey e-PSM with Mr. Philippart profile at document's end.